30 years of exposure to Chernobyl originating radionuclides: two case studies on food and wood contamination in the Ukraine

Labunska, I., Kashparov, V., Levchuk, S., Lazarev, N., Santillo, D. & Johnston, P. (2016) 30 years of exposure to Chernobyl originating radionuclides: two case studies on food and wood contamination in the Ukraine. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report 02-2016, February 2016: 18 pp. Download report

The Bitter Taste of Europe’s Apple Production and how Ecological Solutions can Bloom

Reuter, W. & Cotter, J. (2015)  An Analysis of Pesticides in European Apple Orchards.  Publ. Greenpeace Research Laboratories / Greenpeace Science Unit, UK, June 2015 & Cotter, J., Johnston, P., Santillo, D., van der Sterren, M. & van Bekkem, H. (2015) Ecological Pest Management and Alternative Control for the Most Important Diseases and Pests in … Read more