Human dietary intake of organohalogen contaminants at e-waste recycling sites in Eastern China.

Labunska, I., Abdallah, M A.-E., Eulaers, I., Covaci, A., Tao, F., Wang, M., Santillo, D., Johnston, P. & Harrad, S. (2014). Human dietary intake of organohalogen contaminants at e-waste recycling sites in Eastern China. Environment International 74: 209-220 Download paper from publisher’s website

Food as a major source of human exposure to PBDEs around e-waste recycling sites in eastern China.

Labunska, I., Harrad, S., Wang, M., Santillo, D. & Johnston, P. (2014) Food as a major source of human exposure to PBDEs around e-waste recycling sites in eastern China.  Platform presentation at Dioxin 2014, 34th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Madrid, August 2014 Download extended abstract

Contamination of soils and rice in the vicinity of metal smelting and processing facilities in Hunan Province, China

Brigden, K., Hetherington, S., Wang, M. & Santillo, D. (2014) Distribution of metals in soils from uncultivated land, soils from rice fields and in rice grown in the area of an industrial complex with metal smelting and processing facilities in Hunan Province, China. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report 04-2014, April 2014 Download Technical-Report-4-2014

The bee’s burden: an analysis of pesticide residues in comb pollen (beebread) and trapped pollen from honey bees (Apis mellifera) in 12 European countries

Johnston, P., Huxdorff, C., Simon, G. & Santillo, D. (2014) The bee’s burden: an analysis of pesticide residues in comb pollen (beebread) and trapped pollen from honey bees (Apis mellifera) in 12 European countries.  S. Erwood [ed.], Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report 03-2014: 56 pp. Download report