NMVOC characterisation and exposure risk in two oil and gas producing regions

A.R. Farrow1, D. Santillo1 S.I. Al-Hassen2 and L. Sibe3. NMVOC characterisation and exposure risk in two oil and gas producing regions. 14th International Conference on Air Quality. May 13–17, 2024, Helsinki, Finland. 1Greenpeace Research Laboratories, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK. 2Department of Geography and GIS, College of Arts, University of Basrah, Iraq. 3Biochemistry Chemistry Technology … Read more

Global producer responsibility for plastic pollution

Cowger W., Willis K.A., Bullock S., Conlon K., Emmanuel J., Erdle L.M., Eriksen M., Farrelly T.A., Hardesty B.D., Kerge K., Li N., Li Y., Liebman A., Tangri N., Thiel M., Villarrubia-Gómez P., Walker T.R. & Wang M. (2024) Global producer responsibility for plastic pollution Science Advances (2024) Vol 10, Issue 17 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adj8275

Threatened cetaceans off the coast of Israel and long-range movement of a sperm whale

Thompson K.F., Gordon J., Webber T., Zuriel Y., Kobo K., Tchernov D., Airoldi S., Violi B., Verga A., Gannier A., Fontanesi E., Ascheri D. & Scheinin A.P. (2024) Threatened cetaceans off the coast of Israel and long-range movement of a sperm whale. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (2024) Vol 34, Issue 5 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/aqc.4155

Marine turtles as bio-indicators of plastic pollution in the eastern Mediterranean

Duncan E.M., Akbora H.D., Baldi P., Beton D., Broderick A.C., Cicek B.A., Crowe-Harland C., Davey S., DeSerisy T., Fuller W.J., Haywood J.C., Hsieh Y.J., Kaya E., Omeyer L.C.M., Ozkan M., Palmer J.L., Roast E., Santillo D., Schneider M.J., Snape R.T.E., Sutherland K.C. & Godley B.J. (2024) Marine turtles as bio-indicators of plastic pollution in the … Read more

Plastics treaty text must center ecosystems

Tessnow-Von Wysocki I., Wang M., Morales-Caselles C., Woodall L.C., Syberg K., Almroth B.C., Fernandez M., Monclus L., Wilson S.P., Warren M., Knoblauch D. & Helm R.R. (2023) Plastics treaty text must center ecosystems. Science Vol 382, p. 525-526(2023). https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adl3202