Contamination of soils and rice in the vicinity of metal smelting and processing facilities in Hunan Province, China

Brigden, K., Hetherington, S., Wang, M. & Santillo, D. (2014) Distribution of metals in soils from uncultivated land, soils from rice fields and in rice grown in the area of an industrial complex with metal smelting and processing facilities in Hunan Province, China. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report 04-2014, April 2014 Download Technical-Report-4-2014

Dripping Poison: an analysis of neonicotinoid insecticides in the guttation fluid of growing maize plants

Simon, G., Huxdorff, C., Santillo, D & Johnston, P. (2014) Dripping Poison: an analysis of neonicotinoid insecticides in the guttation fluid of growing maize plants.  Poster presented at “The Impact of Pesticides on Bee Health”, Joint Meeting of the British Ecological Society, Biochemical Society and the Society for Experimental Biology, London, 22‐24 January 2014 Download … Read more

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDES) in eggs of domestic ducks from e-waste and scrap metal processing areas around Taizhou City, Eastern China

Labunska, I., Harrad, S., Santillo, D., Johnston, P. & Yun, L.  (2013)  Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDES) in eggs of domestic ducks from e-waste and scrap metal processing areas around Taizhou City, Eastern China.  Presented at Dioxin 2013: The 33rd International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants and POPs, Daegu (Korea), 25-30 August 2013 Download a … Read more