A global assessment of microplastic abundance and characteristics on marine turtle nesting beaches

Botterell Z.L.R., Ardren J., Dove E., McArthur E., Addison D.S., Adegbile O.M., Agamboue P.D., Agyekumhene A., Allman P., Alterman A., Anderson A., Arenholz T., Ariano-Sanchez D., Arnold Z., Baez J.C., Bahar A., Barbosa C., Barrios-Garrido H., Baskale E., Berumen M.L., Godley B.J. et al.(2025) A global assessment of microplastic abundance and characteristics on marine turtle … Read more

Ambient particulate matter, VOC, NO2 and SO2 in the vicinity of Antwerp International Airport during 2024

Farrow, A. (2025) Ambient particulate matter, VOC, NO2 and SO2 in the vicinity of Antwerp International Airport during 2024. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report GRL-TR-01-2025, January 2025 This technical report was prepared in collaboration with Greenpeace Belgium and Vliegerplein and was used to inform a wider research report on the airport.

Analysis of ambient SO2 concentrations in Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria, 2023: An investigation of the contribution to SO2 concentrations due to emissions from the Martisa 3 coal fired power plant

Brigden, K., Farrow, A. (2024) Analysis of ambient SO2 concentrations in Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria, 2023: An investigation of the contribution to SO2 concentrations due to emissions from the Martisa 3 coal fired power plant. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report GRL-TR-01-2024, November 2024

Legitimate Scientific Research: Objective Scientific Assessment of Marine Geoengineering Activities under the London Convention and London Protocol

Lyons Y.LBL., Santillo D. & Catonini F. (2024) Legitimate Scientific Research: Objective Scientific Assessment of Marine Geoengineering Activities under the London Convention and London Protocol, The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Volume 39: Issue 3, 18 Sep 2024, Pages: 528–540 https://brill.com/view/journals/estu/39/3/article-p528_14.xml

The London Regime’s Adaptability and Impact

Castillo J.M.P., Seybold D. & Santillo D. (2024) The London Regime’s Adaptability and Impact, The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Volume 39: Issue 3, 18 Sep 2024, Pages 440-451 https://brill.com/view/journals/estu/39/3/article-p440_6.xml

Why gender matters for addressing chemical pollution

Wang M., Balayannis A., Rother H-A., Hemmati M., Holthaus A. & Zeidler V. Z. (2024) Why gender matters for addressing chemical pollution. The Lancet Planetary Health Volume 8, Issue 9 September 2024, Page e611 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2542519624001761

NMVOC characterisation and exposure risk in two oil and gas producing regions

A.R. Farrow1, D. Santillo1 S.I. Al-Hassen2 and L. Sibe3. NMVOC characterisation and exposure risk in two oil and gas producing regions. 14th International Conference on Air Quality. May 13–17, 2024, Helsinki, Finland. 1Greenpeace Research Laboratories, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK. 2Department of Geography and GIS, College of Arts, University of Basrah, Iraq. 3Biochemistry Chemistry Technology … Read more